Beer Kits

Malt, Hops, Water, Yeast = Beer

Malt, Hops, Yeast = Beer Kit

That's it, a Beer Kit is Beer without the water. Just add water and you've got the wort (unfermented beer) ready to brew into the ale, lager, bitter etc... Stonehelm has a broad range of beer kits with styles to suit all. Some require the addition of sugar. The all malt kits (no sugar needed) are made from the same ingredients as in a brewery giving the best results. Roll down the list below to the different types. Each range has several styles to choose from.

Brewery Kits

Wherry Beer Kit

Woodfordes Brewery

Beer kit history was made when the first Woodfordes kit was produced, bringing brewery quality beer into a kit. Since then Woodfordes kits have gone from strength to strength with the range now containing 6 excellent beers.
View the Woodfordes range

St Peters Beer Kit

St Peters Brewery

The latest addition to brewery based beer kits St Peters range of hoppy ales. A range of three excelent ales based on the award winning St Peters ales.
View the St Peters Range

Other All Malt Kits

Muntons Gold Kit

Muntons Gold

Muntons Gold Range sticks to the traditional practices using high quality ingredients and avoiding the many adjuncts that others use to produce this fine range of kits. Made using only malt, hops, water and yeast, balanced to brew superb beers, modelled on the finest tradition of the art of brewers.
View the Muntons Gold range.

Festival Beer Kit

Festival Premium Ale Kits

The Festival Premium Ale range use pouches of extract in place of tins, and additional powered ingredients depending on the type. They also include dry hops to give that extra kick of flavour on styles that need it.
View the Festival Premium Ale Range.

Muntons Hand Crafted Old Conkerwood Black Ale

Hand Crafted Ales

With these beer kits no corner has been cut. They contain 3.6 kg of malt extract producing truly superb ales of big body and fine character. Also, in a first for a series of beer kits an oaked ale is included.
View the Muntons Hand Crafted range.

Single Tin Kits sugar required

muntons connoisseurs beer kit
John Bull
John Bull
Brewferm kit

All Beer Kits by make

If you already know the make of the beer kit you are looking for you can select it from the list below. If you know the style and budget for your kit you can try Bob's beer kit selector.
John Bull Standard ClassMuntons Connoisseurs
Muntons FlagshipMuntons Gold
SimplySt Peters
Tiny Rebel Brewing Co.Tom Caxton


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